Increased bursal fluid in pes anserinus with thickened wall in a patient with chronic medial knee pain
Pes anserinus bursitis refers to symptomatic inflammation of the pes anserinus bursa, which is located at the medial aspect of the knee, deep to the pes anserinus tendons.
With the correct history of pain, many clinicians will diagnose pes anserinus bursitis based on the presence of increased bursal fluid alone.
increased bursal fluid
thickened bursal wall
surrounding tissue oedema
abnormal wall / surrounding tissue enhancement
Pes anserine bursitis typically responds well to conservative treatment (rest, analgesia)
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Curtis B, Huang B, Pathria M, Resnick D, Smitaman E. Pes Anserinus: Anatomy and Pathology of Native and Harvested Tendons. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2019;213(5):1107-16. doi:10.2214/ajr.19.21315- Pubmed