What is MR Angiography and What Are Its Applications?

What is MR Angiography? Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique that allows for the examination of blood vessels and blood flow. It is used to detect narrowing, blockages, and other vascular abnormalities. MRA utilizes a strong magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer system to generate high-resolution 2D and 3D images, […]
What Is a Blood Clot and How Is It Diagnosed Through Imaging?

What Is a Blood Clot (Thrombosis)? Under normal conditions, blood flows in a liquid state through the vessels. However, in certain situations—such as damage to the vessel walls, changes in blood flow, or coagulation disorders—the blood may solidify and form a clot. This clot may remain in place or travel to other parts of the […]
Everything About MR Spectroscopy

What is MR Spectroscopy? We are all familiar with MRI images, which help doctors take a precise look inside our bodies. However, beyond these images, there is another technology capable of providing molecular-level information about body tissues. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is an advanced imaging technique derived from MRI that provides molecular-level insights into the […]
What is MR Defecography and How is it Performed?

What is MR Defecography and How is it Performed? MR defecography is a diagnostic test used in medicine to assess the muscles and organs involved in bowel function. It helps diagnose the causes of bowel disorders and defecation problems such as constipation, incontinence, and other related conditions. This test utilizes X-ray fluoroscopy or magnetic resonance […]
Imaging Traumatic Brain Injuries: Why, When, and Who Should Consider Imaging?

Imaging Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are a significant concern in medical practice, resulting from incidents such as motor vehicle accidents, falls, and direct blows to the head. These injuries can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, leading to immediate or delayed symptoms. Prompt and accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective management and improved […]
What is MR Venography and What Are Its Applications?

What is MR Venography? Magnetic Resonance Venography (MRV) is an advanced, specialized, non-invasive, and painless imaging technique used to evaluate blood flow in veins and detect blood clots. This technology enables physicians to obtain a more precise view of the body’s venous structures and circulation. MRV safely produces high-resolution images of internal venous structures using […]
Pituitary Adenomas Imaging: Why, When, and Who Should Consider It?

Pituitary adenomas are benign tumors that develop in the pituitary gland, a vital structure at the base of the brain responsible for hormone regulation. These tumors are classified into microadenomas (less than 10 mm in diameter) and macroadenomas (10 mm or larger). While microadenomas are often managed with medication, macroadenomas may require surgery due to […]
Brain Tumors and Medical Imaging: Why, When, and Who Should Consider Imaging?

Brain tumors are a serious medical concern that can significantly impact a patient’s health and quality of life. They are categorized into primary brain tumors (originating in the brain) and secondary (metastatic) brain tumors (spreading from other parts of the body). Primary tumors can arise from brain parenchyma, such as gliomas, or surrounding structures like […]
Fluoroscopy Everything You Need to Know

Fluoroscopy Everything You Need to Know Fluoroscopy is an advanced imaging technique that allows physicians to obtain real-time, live views of internal organs and tissues. This method utilizes X-rays that pass through the body and project moving images onto a monitor. First introduced in the late 19th century, fluoroscopy has since undergone significant advancements, making […]
Breast MRI and early detection of breast cancer

Breast MRI and early detection of breast cancer Breast MRI, also called Magnetic Resonance Mammography (MRM), is a painless, non-invasive imaging method that uses radio waves and strong magnets to create highly detailed breast images. It serves as an adjunctive tool in breast cancer screening, capable of detecting abnormalities that may not be visible on […]